The popularity of Bitcoin is undeniable. So we can use it as a basis to take a look at some time series data manipulation techniques, some useful R packages and a few traditional finance concepts and their application to time series analysis.
This set of posts will cover at least the following:
- Downloading a transaction level data set of Bitcoin
- Reading the Bitcoin data in to R
- Manipulating the data to make it usable with xts based functions
- Calculating summary statistics and plotting the data using packages
- Analyzing the time series properties of the Bitcoin timeseries
- Doing simple portfolio calculations
- Evaluating alternative return structures for further insight
The end result of the posts will be that we can answer the question: What portion of your portfolio should be in Bitcoin?
Continue to the first post: Retrieving Bitcoin transaction data
By the way, if you don't know what to think about Bitcoin, you can read this blog post for a pretty good overview.
You can also jump to each section directly from here:
- Introduction to Bitcoin analysis with R
- Retrieving Bitcoin transaction data
- Part 2 - Reading the bitcoin data in to R
- Using the xts package and dates
- Using xts to summarize Bitcoin transaction data
- Setting up Bitcoin data in OHLC format
- Charting Bitcoin data
- Prliminary return analysis with plots
- Preliminary return analysis with rolling windows
- Technical analysis plots of Bitcoin
- Bitcoin's future price path
- Evaluating a portfolio
- Evaluating a stock portfolio
- Copulas and extreme values with Bitcoin
- Copulas and extreme value, many assets